It's official! Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis are getting married. They have been together for a while now but the engagement new was very sudden for a guy who just recently finalised from his split with Demi Moore. S
First of all, sources say he had wanted to purposed to Mila for a long time but he couldn't because he is technically still married and that would be a little tacky. He and Demi were battling out over money but finally came to an agreement leaving him the ability to get marry again to another girl.
Another reason is that Ashton just attended the wedding of two family members on each side. People said that they caught wedding fever. Lastly the reason for the sudden proposal on Ashton part, is that the both really want to start a family.
The newly engaged couple are going to make a official soon,according to source, they already started making plans for their engagement. They think there is no reason to wait to start a family.
For the latest news about their marriage, stay with us on Nikkylicious.
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