Annabelle is about a doll from The Conjuring, how it ended up in that creepy office and what happened before the first family encounter the doll.
The movie is not directed by James Wine, however it was directer by preferred cinematographer of choice since Dead Silence. This is not the first time that this director has gone to direct the next installment in the franchise.
I think Annabelle is not good as I was expected. The movie is populated with idiotic characters that are so gloomy. Annabelle is such a predictable movie too because you have this sweet loving couple, and they are expecting a baby.

But after all, it's a horror film. It's meant to scare you. There are tonnes of sound effect which supposed to scare you but the film making doesn't work hand in hand with it. Becasue it was so obvious whenever the scare was about to take place, there's only one or two affected moment in this movie particularly an elevator staircase sequence that I actually thought was really cool. Besides that the scare in this movie didn't scare me at all.
The characters is dull, wooden and lifeless. Annabelle is very disappointing movie. It is not even close to being as good as any other horror movie.
So for Annabelle movie rating, I give 3 stars out of 5.
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